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Collaboration The Key To Deliver Top Notch Solutions

Published on: 7 February, 2019
It was November 2015 and RSK Labs started working on bringing smart contracts to the Bitcoin Network. There was no space for the motto “one blockchain rules them all“ at the company’s HQ and interoperability became the north. At the end of the day, everything came down to collaboration. Development started and building a partner network was a top priority since the inception of the project. We took care of the RSK infrastructure while blockchain services’ companies were deploying their solutions to leverage on the Bitcoin hash power securing RSK Smart Contract Network. Red Hat – the world’s leading provider of enterprise open source solutions, including high-performing Linux – accounts for more than 6,000 partners under their Software category on the website. Collaboration and building long lasting partnerships was key to deliver top notch solutions. RSK Labs leverages on top of the class blockchain companies to deliver the most secure decentralized applications powered by the Bitcoin Network hashing power. Any policy from an insurance company, a tender platform from a government, or a freight from a supply chain company can be now secured with up to the same level of security of the Bitcoin Network. It’s a team game, not a one-company-thing.